City of Windsor Open Data Catalogue

Open Data Catalogue

Land Parcels
Engineering – Geomatics
Land Parcels data is updated in City databases and Drawings of Record frequently and as needed, in the normal course of business, however, priorities and resources determine how quickly a change is reflected in the database. The extract on this website is updated monthly. Latest update: January 2025
The files represent land parcel polygons which are chiefly assessment based. The information provided is Address Range, Address Number, Roll Number, Street Name, Street Suffix, Street Direction and Zoning Designation. Also included where provided is the lot frontage, depth and area.  Any zoning information or exact status should be confirmed in writing by the Building Department and/or Planning Department.
This information is based on Land Registry data, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) data and Survey Plans as acquired by the City of Windsor.
The attributes include the Address Range, Address Number, Roll Number, Street Name, Street Suffix, Street Direction and Zoning Designation. Also included where provided is the Lot frontage, depth and area. Any zoning information or exact status should be confirmed in writing by the Building Department and/or Planning Department.
SHP formatted data are projected in UTM, NAD83, Zone 17 Metric and LL84. DWG file is projected in UTM, NAD83, Zone 17 Metric. KMZ files have automatic transformation when applied.
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